This tool allows you to build a bitcoin non-standard script using a stack. The locking script is used to lock funds to an address or other conditions. The locking script is also known as a scriptPubKey. The stack structure and OP CODES are modeled after the Forth programming language. The stack is a LIFO (last in first out) data structure. The Locking Script and Unlocking Script are combined to create a combined script. The combined script is evaluated to determine if the funds can be spent. If the combined script evaluates to true, the funds can be unlocked and spent.
The following keys are used in the examples. The private keys are generated from the mnemonic phrase using the BSV library.
Mnemonic Phrase: planet decorate alcohol pencil seat reason movie arrest devote unit fee wolf
Private Key: Kz3M592sXJZu7ccKNsQtSk98hvfU1EwQzM92UkdsuqFrn5nH2swn
Public Key: 028bc0216af4615462804f0120bdc8a8141e03fd725174e5201427ba99531bd527
Address: 1LYVF9xhAQEriLw8TDrhhnwHC9bzFguCRN
Balance: 0
Enter Mnemonic Phrase:
The following address is used as the recipient address in the examples.
Address: 1PZWifxVJmJo6dnfikL9ogBuNfd6yGpNxq
Private Key L5UZendLBHq4iLxQkT7GRQbk3xvEDD5xbW2NTMwv8WokcyP2xeMT
Public Key 023780df5083a87e3ba5edafae230323c3488efdaa9ef3423cac609d34652044ae
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Add Number
Add Address of Recipient for PKH
Amount of Satoshis to Lock
Choose nLocktime
Enter Transaction ID to Redeem:
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